Airport, flight and luggage

Assisted travel

Can I take oxygen on my flight?

Liquid oxygen systems and full air cylinders are forbidden for carriage on TUI Airways flights. Air cylinders may be carried if completely empty. It’s your responsibility to ensure air cylinders are empty before travel.

Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) are electronic devices used to provide oxygen at a higher concentration than that of ambient air and is an alternative to using oxygen cylinders. POCs can be used throughout the whole flight, including take-off and landing.

You can bring your own POC if they are on the approved list, which the Assisted Travel Team have.

You must check with the team before departure. A letter signed by a GP or consultant will be required when travelling with a POC. You can take a non-approved POC as long as:
• It’s not used at any stage during the flight
• It’s empty and free of pressure
• The battery should be removed and packaged separately, or it should have a recessed battery terminal and the packaged battery terminals should not contact any metal objects

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