Airport, flight and luggage

Assisted travel

What assistance can cabin crew offer onboard?

If you’re blind or deaf, or have another sensory impairment, our staff will make themselves known to you and will offer the appropriate level of assistance during the flight. They’ll also make sure the emergency procedures are explained to you.

Our cabin crew will support and help you on board your flight, however they will not be able to assist you with eating, drinking, taking medication, or visiting the toilet. If you need help getting to the toilet they’ll be able to assist you with this.

Please let us know if you require the use of an on board wheelchair when confirming your booking. Every TUI Airways aircraft carries wheelchairs on board to help you move between your seat and the toilets. Please note, you must be able to either move yourself, or have a personal assistant to help you between your seat and the onboard wheelchair. Our cabin crew cannot help you transfer into a wheelchair and will not compromise the performance or the health and safety requirements in undertaking their duties.

All TUI Airways aircraft have toilets that are accessible by using the onboard wheelchair. Our 787 Dreamliners have toilets with more space and grab handles.

Specialised harnesses are available for adults, with one available on each flight. These must be pre-booked at least 7 days before you’re due to go.

More questions about Assisted travel


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