Airport, flight and luggage


When does Online check-in open?

Flying with TUI Airways on a TOM or BY flight number?

If you've upgraded to Premium, Extra Legroom seats or Extra Space seats, or chosen the Select Your Seat option, online check-in will open 14 days prior to your departure. If not, it'll open 48 hours prior to your departure. Just so you know, in either case, you'll need to check in for your outbound and inbound flights separately. Online check-in closes six hours before your flight departure time. If you'd like to select or upgrade your seat after you've booked, please visit Manage My Booking or the TUI app to check in for your flight.

Flying on another airline?

Online check in times can vary depending on the airline you are flying with. Please check the other airline’s website for more information on when their online check in opens.

More questions about Check-in


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