Airport, flight and luggage

Flying with other airlines

How do I choose my seats if I'm not flying with TUI?

If your flights aren't with TUI or are not flying under a TOM or BY flight number, then you'll see see a few little differences to your booking. Instead of using Manage My Booking you'll need to visit the individual airline's website to choose your seats.

You'll find the name of the airline you're travelling with, the airline's booking reference, and their website on your Manage My Booking page, just below your flight details. Once you head to the other airline's website, remember to use their separate booking reference - not your TUI booking reference - to log in.

For SunExpress flights you can manage seat selections by logging on to https://www.sunexpress.com/reservation/ibe/modify?locale=en_US using your TUI booking reference,

Some airlines only let you choose your seat once you've paid in full, your flights have been ticketed and you've checked in, so it's best to do this as early as possible. If you need any extra help please contact us.

*Our partner airlines are Smartlynx, Titan, Air Explore, Avion Express, TUIFly Nordic, EnterAir, Fly4, Freebird, Alabastar and Air Ascend

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