Airport, flight and luggage

Flying with Ryanair

What happens if Ryanair change my flight times or dates or cancel my flight?

It’s not unusual for airlines to adjust their flying schedules, and this can result in changes to your flight time. If this happens, Ryanair will notify you directly.

Depending on the extent of the change you may need to contact us to discuss your options, as accepting any changes to your flight could impact your holiday.

Flight time changes under 3 hours

If you get an email from your airline advising of a change to your flight time under 3 hours, you do not need to call us. We’ll accept the change on your behalf and send you an updated booking confirmation once complete. Please don’t accept any flight timing changes with Ryanair as this could impact your holiday.

Flight time changes over 3 hours

If you get an email from Ryanair advising that your flight time has changed by 3-12 hours, you must contact us on 01 6937700 to discuss your options and make any necessary amendments to your holiday booking. Please don’t accept any flight timing changes with Ryanair as this could impact your holiday.

Flight date changes

If you get an email from Ryanair advising that your flight dates have changed, you must contact us on 01 6937700 to discuss your options. Please don’t accept any flight date changes with Ryanair as this could impact your holiday.

Flight cancellations

If you get an email from Ryanair advising that your flight is cancelled, you must contact us on 01 6937700 to discuss your options. Please don’t accept any flight timing or date changes with Ryanair as this could impact your holiday.

More questions about Flying with Ryanair


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