What type of ticket will I get?
Package holiday bookings
Booking Online
If you're booking more than 14 days before you travel, we'll send you an e-ticket by email.
Booking 14 days or less before you go? Your booking confirmation will double up as your e-ticket.
Booking by phone
If you book more than 14 days before you travel and let us know your email address, we'll send you an e-ticket by email. If you don't have an email address, we'll send you a ticket through the post.
If you book 14 days or less before you go, we'll send you a confirmation email that doubles up as your e-ticket.
Booking in a shop
If you book earlier than 14 days before you're due to travel - and you let us know your email address - we'll send you an E-ticket to the email address you provided to us.
If you make your booking earlier than 14 days before you're due to depart - but you don't supply us with an email address - we'll send you a paper ticket through the post.
If you book 14 days or less before you go, we'll send you a confirmation email that doubles up as your e-ticket.
Flight-only and hotel-only bookings
If you've only booked a flight or a hotel, you'll just need to take your confirmation email with you.
More questions about Travel documents
- I haven't received my confirmation email - what do I need to do? View more details
- What do I do if details are wrong on my confirmation or e-ticket? View more details
- What do I do if I delete or lose my e-ticket? View more details
- What is an e-ticket? View more details
- When will I receive my ticket? View more details