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Assisted Travel - General information

How do I book assistance at the airport?

Here at TUI, we use an internationally recognised coding system to identify the level of assistance a customer with a disability may need. Here are some examples of the types of questions you may be asked while we’re getting a picture of your requirements:

•  What are your needs?
•  Are you able to walk through the airport terminal to the aircraft, or will you require a wheelchair or buggy?
•  If you do require a wheelchair, will you be using your own chair?
•  If so, we’ll need to find out more about your wheelchair including whether it’s power operated and what type of battery it uses. We’ll also need to note down a few details on its weight and size.
•  Are you able to walk up and down aircraft steps, or will you require assistance boarding and disembarking?
•  Can you transfer from a wheelchair to your seat unaided?
•  What type of aircraft seat suits you best?
• Will you be taking any medical equipment with you?

We ask that you make us aware of your requirements at least 48 hours before your due to travel.

You can give our Assisted Travel team a call on 01 693 7700 if you’d like any more info


More questions about Assisted Travel - General information


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