Before you go

Changes and cancellations

How do I change or cancel my booking?

If you booked your holiday on our website, you can use your Customer Account or Manage My Booking to make the following changes to your holiday:

- View your booking summary
- Cancel your booking
- Change your holiday to a different one entirely
- Upgrade your flight seats, add luggage or add any airport extras like parking or a hotel
- Upgrade or change your room
- Change your board basis
- Amend or add any extras in resort, like park tickets in Florida and excursions in Lapland
- Amend or add any accomodation extras, like Kids' clubs and academies
- Change the name of a non-lead passenger
- Add or remove passengers from the booking
- Add or remove late check-out
- Change your contact details

If you booked in a TUI Holiday Store, you should visit or get in touch with the store where you booked or contact us

If you've booked one of the following holidays you'll need to contact us.

- Flight only
- Ski holidays
- Lakes & Mountains holidays
- Twin centre holidays
- Group bookings
- Weddings abroad
- Hotel only bookings
- Package with flights offered by another airline (in some cases)

Booked one of our holidays with another company?
You'll need to go back to the agent you booked with to make changes.

Amendment and cancellation fees
You may be charged a fee if you change or cancel your holiday. You'll be able to see if this applies before you complete your amendment or cancellation. You can also find out what the fees are in our Booking Conditions.

Please read through our Terms and Conditions for more details of the charges. 


More questions about Changes and cancellations


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