Before you go

Changes and cancellations

Why can't I manage my booking online?

TUI Holiday Store or phone bookings
If you booked your holiday in a TUI Holiday Store or over the phone, you won't be able to access Manage My Booking. Instead, you'll need to get in touch with your local store, or call the number on your holiday confirmation.
Just booked a flight?
If you've only booked a flight with us, you won't be able to access Manage My Booking. Please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Online bookings
You'll have access to Manage My Booking if you booked online with us. If you can't log in, take a look at our "What is Manage my Booking?" question to check that your holiday offers this service. 

However, if any changes have been made to your booking outside Manage My Booking, it can mean that you're no longer able to log-in. To make any more payments or changes, please pop-in to a TUI Holiday Store or call us on 020 3451 2688. Calls from UK landlines cost the standard rate, but calls from mobiles may be higher. Check with your network provider.

If any changes have been made to your booking outside Manage My Booking, it can mean that you're no longer able to log in, so you'll need to contact us.  

More questions about Changes and cancellations


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