Will I have to pay any fees to cancel my holiday?
If you want to cancel your booking, or part of it, you should contact us as soon as possible.
If you booked online, you can do some of this yourself through your Customer Account or Manage My Booking, otherwise please contact us. Once your booking has been cancelled, you can expect to receive a cancellation invoice within 14 days. If you don't, please contact us.
How much it costs to cancel your holiday, or to remove passengers from the booking, varies depending on how much time there is before you're due to travel and which airline you're flying with.
Our cancellation charges cover the cost of processing your cancellation and to compensate us for the risk that we may not be able to resell your travel arrangements.
If you're travelling on a TUI flight as part of package, here are our cancellation charges.
70 days or more before travel: Loss of full deposit
69 - 63 days before travel: 30% of total booking price
62 - 49 days before travel: 50% of total booking price
48 - 29 days before travel: 70% of total booking price
28 - 15 days before travel: 90% of total booking price
14 - 0 days before travel: 100% of total booking price
Just so you know, removing a passenger from your booking might mean that your overall holiday cost goes up.
Your deposit is non-refundable, even if the cancellation charge calculated is lower than the deposit amount paid. Where extra facilities or transport options are non-refundable, in part or in full, the cost of these will be added to the cancellation charge you have to pay.
If you booked using a Low Deposit Offer, the full deposit amount stated on your confirmation invoice will need to be paid upon cancellation.
The cancellation charge may be higher for certain travel arrangements, such as coach tours or scheduled airfares. Please ask for details of cancellation charges when you book and check your insurance policy to see if you'd be covered for the cost of any cancellation charges.
Please read through our terms and conditions for more details of the charges.
If TUI has cancelled your holiday
If we've cancelled your booking - for example due to a hotel closing or a flight cancellation - you won't need to pay any fees.
Only booked a flight or hotel?
If you've only booked a flight or just a hotel, the cancellation charges are different. You'll find details of these in our booking conditions.
More questions about Changes and cancellations
- How do I change or cancel my booking? View more details
- How do I log in to Manage my Booking? View more details
- How much will it cost to transfer my holiday? View more details
- How much would it cost to change a name on my booking? View more details
- What is Manage my Booking? View more details
- Why can't I manage my booking online? View more details
- Will I get a refund for any extras or upgrades that I booked for my holiday? View more details