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What’s the weather like in Rhodes Town in July?
July is one of the hottest months in Rhodes Town, Greece. The weather is generally sunny and warm, with clear blue skies and little chance of rain. The average daily temperatures range from 24°C to 31°C, making it a perfect destination for beach lovers and sun worshippers.
Average daily temperatures
In July, the average daily temperatures in Rhodes Town range from 24°C to 31°C. The mornings and evenings are usually cooler, ranging from 20°C to 24°C, while the afternoons can get quite hot, reaching highs of 31°C. It is advisable to wear light, breathable clothing and use sun protection when exploring the town during the day.
Sunshine and rainfall
July is a month of abundant sunshine in Rhodes Town. The town experiences an average of 14 hours of sunshine per day, providing plenty of opportunity for outdoor activities and beach relaxation. Rainfall is scarce in July, with only 1 or 2 rainy days expected throughout the entire month. The total rainfall for July is usually less than 1 inch.