Self-Catering Holidays

Be your own chef using the facilities in your room, or get a taste of authentic cuisine in local restaurants.

Self Catering Deals from Ireland

Complete freedom – that’s the beauty of self-catering holidays. Whether your rental’s a full-blown apartment or a hotel with a kitchenette, there are plenty of ways you can do it. And you’ll get the best of both worlds. You can head to a taverna in town one night, then cook a big family meal in your kitchen the next. Lots of our packages include close-to-everything bases, so supermarket trips are a breeze. This type of getaway’s great for tight budgets, too. You can wave goodbye to worrying about the purse strings on family holidays where eating out’s unavoidable. Instead, with flights to Lanzarote, Benidorm, Majorca and Portugal the only dilemma you’ll be facing is where to go next.

All Inclusive Holidays | Half Board Holidays | Bed and Breakfast Holidays

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