Flights from Cork to Lanzarote

Fly with us to Lanzarote and discover all it has to offer

Flight information for Cork to Lanzarote

4 Hours 45 Mins

Minimum Flight Time


High Season


Flights Per Month

Flight from Cork to Lanzarote faq

Our TUI flights from Cork to Lanzarote are direct, and run from May to September. For more details, see the TUI Flight Timetable.

Flights from Cork Airport to Lanzarote Airport take around three hours. The times can fluctuate a little depending on weather conditions and wind speed, though.

It’s cheapest to fly to Lanzarote during the early and later months, like May and September. They’re either side of the peak season, but you can still look forward to balmy temperatures.

The flight from Cork Airport to Lanzarote Airport covers around 1,600 miles.

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