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Assisted Travel - General information

How can I contact you if I am British Sign Language User?

British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact one of our Assisted Travel Team agents using SignLive. 

We want to make travelling with us as easy as possible, which is why we’ve got a friendly and knowledgeable team dedicated to finding the holiday or flights to match your needs.

They’re capable of answering any queries relating to accessibility: Everything from navigating the airport, finding the right hotel, or booking an accessible transfer.  

SignLive is a free service that will connect you to a qualified online BSL interpreter. The interpreter will relay the conversation between you and a TUI agent. 
You can download the SignLive app on your mobile phone or tablet. Alternatively, you can use a web browser by visiting www.signlive.co.uk/login 
If this is your first time using the service, you’ll need to complete a one-time registration. Once logged in, you can contact TUI’s Assisted Travel Team, for free, through the Community Directory by tapping on TUI and then ‘Call’. 

More questions about Assisted Travel - General information


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